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세금 | 세금보고를 어떻게 해요?

페이지 정보



모름님이 2011-10-05 20:54:49.0에 쓰신글
>먼저 감사를 드립니다
>저는 서류미비자 입니다
>일을 하고 있으며.....현금으로 월급을 받습니다
>저도 세금보고를 하고싶은데.....
>들리는 소문엔 세금보고를 하면.....신분이나 정보가 노출이 되어서 되려 피해를 받는다고 하시는 분들이 몇몇분 이 말씀하시더라고요.
>정말로 이런 피해가 있을까요?
>그리고 CPA 에 맞겨야 하나요 아님.....개인이 할수도 있나요?
>정확한 정보를 바랍니다

"저는 서류미비자 입니다.일을 하고 있으며.....현금으로 월급을 받습니다
저도 세금보고를 하고싶은데.....
들리는 소문엔 세금보고를 하면.....신분이나 정보가 노출이 되어서 되려 피해를 받는다고 하시는 분들이 몇몇분 이 말씀하시더라고요.
정말로 이런 피해가 있을까요?"--->You can file your tax returns, both federal and state level tax returns, i fyou want. Matter of fact, although not every illegal immigrant pays taxes, more and more are making use of an Individual Tax Identification Number , ITIN, provided by the IRS to file on April 15th. Illegal immigrants are the largest group using ITIN to file their returns with the IRS. Filing your tax return and having an ITIN( you can get one by filing Form W7 with the IRS) is a way of creating a financial history that allows for loans to purchase a house or even a car, allowing for a better quality of life. And by filing  your tax return, you are able to create one more item that might help your application for citizenship or a geen card. Although many people may think that filing an IRS return as an immigrant may be a way to get deported, experts say that immigration(INS) and tax departments(IRS) rarely share information with each other. However, filing your tax return opens you to the possibility of an IRS audit if your tax retrn is inaccurate. Being flagged by an audit could cause them to attract the attention of immigration officials, something that many are eager to avoid. So, I can't completley eradicate possiiblityof IRS audit on your tax return(s).Even though you file your return , you are NOT subejct to soc sec benefits.

"그리고 CPA 에 맞겨야 하나요 아님.....개인이 할수도 있나요?"--->It is up to you. Yu may  contact the VITA Program(The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance )that offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $49,000 and below) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. VITA is providing free assistance to low income, elderly, limited English proficient, and disabled individuals who require assistance in preparing their tax returns and cannot afford services of a paid professional taxpayer.To locate the nearest VITA site, call 1-800-906-9887.You can file your own return if you can.The Free File program is open only to taxpayers with a 2010 Adjusted Gross Income of $58,000 or less.You also mat visit tax return preparation offive to get soem professinal help from a tax practitioner,i.e., CPA or EA or etc.You need to use caution when selecting your tax preparer. Some aren't always accurate and, according to the IRS, you are responsible for what's on the return. This means you may have to pay additional taxes and interest or face a penalty. Fixing inaccurate returns involves additional paperwork but you can avoid this hassle to by picking a good tax preparer and double checking the return for mistakes

Please bisit the IRS Website:http://www.irs.gov/efile/article/0,,id=220412,00.html


작성일2011-10-05 22:28

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