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민사 | 사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [412]

페이지 정보



사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [412]

악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [29]


The above acts or non-acts of defendants caused and inflicted so serious damages to Plaintiff including but not limited to serious infliction of emotional distress, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, indignation, worry, economic and monetary loss, etc.

The damages can be categorized into direct damages and indirect damages. The direct damages are self-explanatory. An example of indirect damages is that the individual defendants caused interruption of Plaintiff’s free speech or free publication, but the party that actually interrupted both Plaintiff and the individual defendants together is the site itself, not the individual defendants. This is an indirect or derived damage from the individual defendants.

Another example of indirect damages is associated with the public damages. In other words, the public damages influence on Plaintiff’s own private damages. The individual defendants created serious public damages against Korea, the United States, the treaty for America-Korea Alliance, the people of DPRK by damaging the writers in the sites who are free democracy supporters including Plaintiff or by praising and encouraging DPRK and its leader such as Jong Il Kim and by blaming the United States with false accusations and by other acts. While observing these public damages, Plaintiff also suffered worry and anxiety for Korea and the United States and the alliance and for the people of DPRK. These kinds of damages are indirect and derived damages to Plaintiff.

동서문화원 원장/ 사법혁신원 원장/ LA서울라이온스클럽 수석부회장 이 진 213-482-1805


또 다른 연재, “사혁원장 진리의 인용/사설”은 오늘은 쉽니다.

저희의 페이스북에 저희의 글들을 찾아볼 수 있으니 들르세요. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=149736875073602#!/notes.php?id=100000018391388

그리고 중앙일보 블로그에도 있습니다.

작성일2012-02-14 10:59

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