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결혼한지 아직 한달이 안되었는데.....
사정상 무효를 할려구 하는데....
변호사를 사지 않아도 되는겁니까??
그냥 합의하에 저희끼리 가서 해도 가능한건지여???
그렇다면 어떻게 해야하는지 자세한 답변 부탁 드립니다,,,,
너무 급합니다,.,
사정상 무효를 할려구 하는데....
변호사를 사지 않아도 되는겁니까??
그냥 합의하에 저희끼리 가서 해도 가능한건지여???
그렇다면 어떻게 해야하는지 자세한 답변 부탁 드립니다,,,,
너무 급합니다,.,
작성일2007-08-27 13:13
이런 글은 내리심이 좋을듯합니다 .. 한달만에 상대방 단물을 다빨아 드셨나요? 한달 살고 뭘 안다고 여기다 글을 올립니까 변호사랑 상의하세요 첫 상담은 무료입니다 대부분..
You can. You do not need attorney. Tell the court that it was a mistake. Be sure to tell the court that you two have never engaged in sex.
You can. You do not need attorney. Tell the court that it was a mistake. Be sure to tell the court that you two have never engaged in sex.
You can. You do not need attorney. Tell the court that it was a mistake. Be sure to tell the court that you two have never engaged in sex.
You can. You do not need attorney. Tell the court that it was a mistake. Be sure to tell the court that you two have never lived together.
Mr. bit what do you mean "you two have never engaged in sex" or "lived together"?? If they did all before or after marriage, doesn't the marriage