상법 | 도움이 되시길...
페이지 정보
"Agreement for the Dissolution of Partnership"
This Dissolution Agreement is made this the ( Date )of (Month), 2009
between ( Name ) and ( Name ) at ( City ), California.
___________ and ____________were planned to conduct the business of
___________ at ( Address ) , as partners under the firm name of ________
Company,pursuant to the terms of a certain written agreement dated the
_____day of ______,2008.
Partners desire to dissolve the partnership on the all terms and conditions
previously set forth.
The partnership existing between the parties to this agreement under the
name of ____________Company shall be deemed terminated and dissolved
on the ____day of ______, 2009 shall have no authority to act for the
Partnership after that date.
All obligations of either party to the other shall be settled and adjusted upon
terms of this instrument.
____________(Name) _______________(Name)
____________(Signature) _______________(Signature)
___________(Date) ______________(Date)
** 상기의 증서를 서로 싸인 하시고 공증을 받으시면 되겠습니다.
구체적인 내용과 구두 약속을 모르기에 간단하게 법적조치 차원에서
작성 했으니 나머지는 두분이 상의해서 입력하시면 되겠습니다.
Good Luck !!
작성일2009-01-23 20:27
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