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기타 | Prepaid Service 의 실상 - part 1

페이지 정보



보시다 싶이 본인이 Prepaid Legal Service 를 파는 Kim3 란 는 분에 대한 글을 올렸기에 책임감 을 느끼고 몇시간에 걸쳐 이Prepaid Legal Service 란 회사에 대해 나름 대로 조사 해 봤습니다.

그 결과는 제가 처음 수상하게 느낀대로 오히려 제가 느낀점을 더 뒷받침 해준 결과 가 ㅤㄷㅚㅆ습니다. 다음 은 제가 발최한 결과 의 일부 입니다.

독자 여러분은 각자가 읽으시고 자신 의 의견을 종합하시기 바랍니다.

By Aaron Larson
Law Offices of Aaron Larson
August, 2003

One of the major legal services plans reports that more
than half of new subscribers drop out of the plan
after their first year.

This suggests that many people either obtain a prepaid
services plan only when they need it,
or don't find the benefits to be worth the price.

When you consider a plan, pay careful attention to
what the plan does and does not cover.

If you don't anticipate having legal needs in the coming
year which will be covered by the plan,
you should think carefully before purchasing a plan.

Similarly, if you think that you might take advantage of a service under
the plan, such as the preparation of a simple will, be aware
that attorneys who accept the plan will likely try to sell you
an upgraded service.

In some cases, it will make sense to obtain the
upgraded service but there may not be any cost savings
as a result of plan membership.

Also, if you find that you don't like the attorney available
through your plan, you may find that you are unable
to change attorneys through the plan, or that there are
no other attorneys in the area who participate in the plan.

You may wish to inquire as to the identities of local attorneys who
accept the plan before making the decision to
purchase any given plan.

2003 년 8월 에 써있는 글입니다. 보시다 싶이 여기서도 제일 문제점을 지적하는 것이;

1.처음 말한것하고 틀릴수있다는 것 (말하자면 Bait and Switch) 라고 하는
처음 에는 싼 것 같았는데 진작 말하다보면 upgrade 한 상품을 팔려고 하는 것.

2. 변호사 를 중간에 바꿀수 없는경우가 대부분이라는 것. 입니다.

작성일2009-02-22 12:50

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