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세금 | 미국에서 E2로 8년 지내다 잠시 관광으로 들어가려는데....

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나그네~님이 2011-11-06 20:45:54.0에 쓰신글
>미국에서 E2로 8년 지내다 한국으로 돌아왔는데요...  이번에 관광비자(전자여권)로 잠시 들어가려는데요... 미국생활 정리할때 제 기억으로는 비지니스 TAX를 다 해결한거 같은데..... 혹시나 밀린세금이 있으면 이미그래이션 통과가 안된다던데...  아시는분 있으시면 알려주세요.. 그리고 제 사업자 번호와 소셜번호를 통하여 제가 밀린세금이 있는지 알아볼수있는 웹사이트가 있나요? 답변주신분 복많이 받으세요~ ^^&

"미국에서 E2로 8년 지내다 한국으로 돌아왔는데요... 이번에 관광비자(전자여권)로 잠시 들어가려는데요... 미국생활 정리할때 제 기억으로는 비지니스 TAX를 다 해결한거 같은데..... 혹시나 밀린세금이 있으면 이미그래이션 통과가 안된다던데... 아시는분 있으시면 알려주세요.. “그리고 제 사업자 번호와 소셜번호를 통하여 제가 밀린세금이 있는지 알아볼수있는 웹사이트가 있나요?”--->I guess one way to get help in determining whether you owe the IRS money is to work with your tax accuntant. As long as you use a tax preparer to file your income taxes, and though you  expect a refund, thetax accountant can let you know if you owe money instead. One of the easiest ways to know whether you owe the IRS money is to wait for a tax bill from the agency. If you've recently moved or you file taxes under a different address than your home address, it can delay the post office's ability to deliver your bill in a timely manner. The bill will include the amount owed and the methods you can use to pay the IRS.  ALSO U may need to complete Form 4506-T (linked below) to request an account transcript. That will show payments, credits, etc. on your account.Requesting the transcript will not trigger any action - i.e. they won't start looking at your account just because you asked for a transcript
ALSO Follow the link below for local contact numbers for your state.However, if you received income tax refunds, it's probable that they have already deducted anything you owed them.
If you do owe the IRS money and you fail to pay the debt, the IRS may turn your account over to a collection agency. This usually won't happen until the IRS has made every effort to contact you. But, if you've changed your phone number, moved several times and switched jobs in a short period of time, you may have a bill you haven't been getting.When this happens, you may begin to get calls, letters or emails from the agency. This can happen even if you weren't aware you owed money to the IRS.

작성일2011-11-08 09:34

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