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세금 | ITIN 발급

페이지 정보



세금신고님이 2012-01-11 02:51:34.0에 쓰신글
>유학하고 있는 학생입니다.
>ITIN 발급받고 싶은데 혼자 하려니 첨이라 복잡해보이고
>ITIN발급 도와주실수 있는 회계사무실이나 그런게 있나요?!ㅠ
>이왕이면 가격도 적당했으면 좋겠네요..

"ITIN 발급받고 싶은데 혼자 하려니 첨이라 복잡해보이고
ITIN발급 도와주실수 있는 회계사무실이나 그런게 있나요?"-->An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, often shortened to simply ITIN, is a type of tax identification number in the U.S. for individuals who need to file and pay federal taxes. While most U.S. residents have a Social Security number, which acts as a tax ID number for taxpaying purposes, resident and non-resident aliens are not eligible for an SSN. Instead, non-citizens can get an ITIN number to file and pay income taxes.You need to obtain revised IRS Form W-7 (Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). You can obtain one by visiting your local IRS office in person, or contact the IRS helpline at (800) TAX-FORM. You can also download and print Form W-7 from the IRS website at home.

Complete Form W-7 by providing your personal information, including your name, address, date and location of your birth. If you are an applicable spouse or dependent, you will also need to provide the Social Security number or ITIN number of your spouse or guardian. Sign the bottom when finished, make a copy of the completed form and retain the copy for your personal records.You are required to provide supporting documents to both demonstrate your identity and prove your foreign status in order to get an ITIN. Examples of supporting documents for identity include a valid passport, USCIS identification card or a U.S. photo driver's license; Complete a federal tax return to submit along with your application to get an ITIN number. To have your application for an ITIN approved, you must submit a federal tax return unless you qualify as an exception to this requirement. Non-resident aliens who are required to get an ITIN to claim a tax treaty benefit are typically the only persons eligible for this exception,Submit your completed Form W-7, federal tax return or documents supporting your status as an exception, and your proof of identification and foreign status to the IRS by mail. Good luck~~~
  Please visit the IRS website here:http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw7.pdf

작성일2012-01-22 01:25

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