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coffee님이 2012-02-06 08:56:21.0에 쓰신글
>작년초 2010년도분 세금보고시에 전에 다니던 회사에서 가입했던 401K를 traditioanl IRA으로 보고한다는 것을 잘못해서 Roth IRA로 보고해 버렸습니다. 터보택스로 인터뷰시 분명 traditional 로 했는데 어째서 Roth IRA로 보고가 되어 버렸는지.. 확인안한 제 잘못이지요..
>지금 2011년도 세금보고를 하려고 하는데 이를 고치고 싶은데요.. 2010년 세금보고를 수정해서 재신고(1040-X)해야 하는지 아니면 지금 2011년 세금보고할때 이를 수정할 방법이 있겠는지요?

“작년초 2010년도분 세금보고시에 전에 다니던 회사에서 가입했던 401K를 traditioanl IRA으로 보고한다는 것을 잘못해서 Roth IRA로 보고해 버렸습니다.”-I am NOT sure what you mean by this” “ . . . 다니던 회사에서 가입했던 401K를 traditioanl IRA으로 보고한다는 것을 잘못해서 Roth IRA로 보고. . . “---->As you can see, 401K and traditional IRA(R-IRA) ,these 2 retirement vehicles are vastly different in terms of long-term accumulation, tax status and other criteria; a 401K is offered by your ER e. You, as an EE,  contribute a certain percentage of your salary into the 401K account. The |ER offers to match EE’s contribution up to a predetermined percentage, usually three to six percent. Beyond the match point, you can contribute depending onyour salary. You can usually choose from a variety of investments to allocate their 401K funds to and can choose to purchase stock options I guess if available. The larger the ER, the more fund choices are typically available. The money contributed to a 401K account is usually before-tax money and it grows tax deferred.So, when you turn 70 and a half you must begin making minimum withdrawals unless you are still working. These 401K withdrawals, or distributions, are then taxed. An IRA is  a sole ownership account. A traditional IRA account is established with after tax funds. These funds grow tax deferred until they are withdrawn. Traditional IRA yearly contributions are typically able to be claimed as a tax deduction. They are put into an account with a certain interest rate for a certain period of time. After that time period is up, the IRA account may be renegotiated for another term at the current interest rate. The Roth IRA is another popular IRA account. These IRA accounts allow the you, as a contributor, to use after tax funds. These funds cannot be claimed on your taxes and are usually able to be withdrawn tax free.
터보택스로 인터뷰시 분명 traditional 로 했는데 어째서 Roth IRA로 보고가 되어 버렸는지.. 확인안한 제 잘못이지요..
“지금 2011년도 세금보고를 하려고 하는데 이를 고치고 싶은데요.. 2010년 세금보고를 수정해서 재신고(1040-X)해야 하는지 아니면 지금 2011년 세금보고할때 이를 수정할 방법이 있겠는지요?”--->So, I guess there is no error on your W2 Box 12.It depends. You are not required to file an amended return UNLESS you claimed a deduction for an IRA contribution on your tax return & your AGI exceeds certain limits. A contribution to a nondeductible IRA would not require an amendment. The only things that might be affected would be if you made an IRA contribution(if you did, then you must file your 2010 amended return) . If you didn't make an IRA contribution, there's nothing to amend.HOWEVER, you can still file your amended return.  In principle, all information on tax related documents must be "correct". The appropriate adjustments should be made even if the numbers do not change. Be sure to keep a duplicate of the incorrect return as well as the revised.
E-filed tax returns are a convenient way to file, however once the information has been sent to the Internal Revenue Service, it cannot be changed electronically. Although e-filing is a great tool, amending an e-filed tax return must be done traditionally by mail. There is no way to correct an e-filed tax return online once it is sent, so making changes must wait until the information has been received and reviewed by the IRS.

작성일2012-02-06 11:44

coffee님의 댓글

빠른 답변에 감사드립니다. 그러면 2010년 수정세금보고는 mail 로 하고 IRS에서 검토할때까지 기다렸다가 2011년도 세금보고를 해야하는지요? 아니면 2010년 보고와 별개로 2011년 세금보고를 먼저 e-file해도 되는지요?
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