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세금 | TAX Report 관련 preschool fee 처리

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김신일님이 2012-02-01 23:11:24.0에 쓰신글
>저는 직장 생활을 하고있고, 와이프는 집에서 살림만 살고 있습니다.
>그런데, 아이들 preschool 비용을 교육비 명목으로 세금 혜택을 받을 수 있습니까?
>그럼 수고하세요.

"저는 직장 생활을 하고있고, 와이프는 집에서 살림만 살고 있습니다.
그런데, 아이들 preschool 비용을 교육비 명목으로 세금 혜택을 받을 수 있습니까?"---->Basically, it depends;in general, To qualify for the child care tax credit, you and your spouse if you're married and filing jointly MUST have earned income from a job, tips or self-employment. I know that you have earned incoem,i.e, wage salalry or SE incoem or etc. IF your spouse is a full-time student or disabled, that satisfies the earned income requirement.As your spouse has NO earned icome, NO.You can't claim the child and dependent care credit.

For reference,you cannot directly claim you kid's preschool tuition as a deductible expense on your return, but it sometimes can be included in the child and dependent care expenses portion of your tax return, as a tax credit. you do not automatically qualify for this deduction, however.When you claim your kid's preschool tuition on your taxes, it counts as a child care expense rather than as tuition-based education. According toIRS Pub 503, such tuition counts as a necessary expense if both parents (if filing jointly) must pay someone to care for their child while they work or look for a job. The IRS does not allow deduction for preschool when an at-home parent can care for the child. Up to 35 percent of the tuition can count toward the credit, as of 2010.

To get a tax credit for preschool tuition, the preschool must supply you with its TIN, its tax ID. You will also need IRS Form 2441 to file with your 1040/1040A tax return.Please visit the IRS website here for more info:http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f2441.pdf

작성일2012-02-02 10:19

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