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민사 | 사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [404]

페이지 정보



사혁원장 진리의 법창야화 [404]

악플러처리의 외부경제혜택 [22]

Plaintiff is informed and believes that individual defendants - Individual A, Individual B, Individual C, Individual D, Individual E, Individual F, Individual G, Individual H, Individual I (hereinafter collectively “individual defendants”) - , whose residing or working addresses are unknown at this time and whose residing countries are also unknown at this time.
Plaintiff is informed and believes that entity defendants - Entity A, Entity B, Entity C, Entity D, Entity E, Entity F, Entity G, Entity H, Entity I (hereinafter collectively “entity defendants”) - , whose locations are unknown at this time and whose locating countries are also unknown at this time.
And the individual defendants and their entity defendant also categorized into 6 groups.
The first group has 4 kinds of defendants, Individual A, Entity A, Individual B, Entity B. Individual A used fake user names that are exactly the same as the user names or real name of Plaintiff. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual A used user names of fake “mentor”, fake “스승”, fake “Jin Ree”. Entity A are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual A or to which Individual A belonged. Individual B used fake user names that are exactly the same as the user names or real names of other users. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual B used user names of fake “choi00”, fake “goodguyinla”, fake “엘에이용팔이”, fake “재원1”, fake “patrio”, fake “낙지마을변호사”, fake “켈리한”, fake “오재원”, fake “박정희”, fake “박지만”, fake “지만원”, etc. Entity B are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual A or to which Individual A belonged.
The second group has 4 kinds of defendants, Individual C, Entity C, Individual D, Entity D. Individual C used quasi fake user names that are similar to user names/ real name of Plaintiff that sound like the same or similar sounds to the user names/ real name of Plaintiff or suggest Plaintiff’s family member. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual C used user names of “mentorr”, “mantor”, “menter”, “mentor TM” “맨토1”, “멘토1”, “진리”, “재원이엄마”, etc. Entity C are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual C or to which Individual C belonged. Individual D used quasi fake user names that are similar to user names/ real name of other users or that sound like the same or similar sounds to the user names/ real name of other users. Upon Plaintiff’s information and belief, Individual D used user names of “재원2”, “재원이”, “재원이1”, “엘에이욜팔이”, “앨에이용팔이”, “엘에이똥팔이”, “ktownlove1212”, “ klove323”, “지화자”, “낚지마을”, etc. Entity D are the entities that abetted or masterminded or encouraged or supported Individual D or to which Individual D belonged.

동서문화원 원장/ 사법혁신원 원장/ LA서울라이온스클럽 수석부회장 이 진 213-482-1805


또 다른 연재, “사혁원장 진리의 인용/사설”은 오늘은 쉽니다.

저희의 페이스북에 저희의 글들을 찾아볼 수 있으니 들르세요. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=149736875073602#!/notes.php?id=100000018391388

그리고 중앙일보 블로그에도 있습니다.

작성일2012-01-29 14:47

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