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세금 | 다른 사람이 내 쏘샬 번호를 쓴다.

페이지 정보



..........님이 2012-02-08 03:18:25.0에 쓰신글
>알수 없는 사람이 내 쏘샬을 사용합니다,
>W-2 세금보고 하라고 연락이 우편으로 왔어요
>어디에 어떻게 신고를 하여야 할까요?
>응답에 먼저 감사를 전합니다,

"알수 없는 사람이 내 쏘샬을 사용합니다, W-2 세금보고 하라고 연락이 우편으로 왔어디에 어떻게 신고를 하여야 할까요?"--->You are a victim of anidentity theft , I guess;
"알수 없는 사람이 내 쏘샬을 사용합니다, W-2 세금보고 하라고 연락이 우편으로 왔어디에 어떻게 신고를 하여야 할까요?”-->The best step is to report it to the police as identity theft. They will likely do nothing, but what you want is the police report.With the police report, even the most hard-nosed IRS person will adjust your account, if the person used your SSN# for tax purposes.Also, if someone stole money from your bank or credit card accounts, or opened new accounts, the police report also comes in handy,. The persons who whom the misuse should be reported depend on how it was used. For example If your SSN# was used to open a credit card account, to apply for insurance, to borrow money from a bank, or for similar purposes, this should be reported to the police, Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax, and a "fraud alert" or "credit freeze" should be placed on your file. I guess you mayhave to contact your bank to report it to your bank and check your nank account(s).
Please visit the Transunion website here:
 Ifyour SSN# was used for employment, this should be reported to the Social Security Administration. If the person who used it for employment was an illegal alien, then it should also be reported to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Ifyou are unable to file electronically, file a paper return (print the forms from http://www.irs.gov if you do not receive them in the mail).
Be careful Phishing e-mail;phising e-mail is a scam typically carried out by unsolicited email and/or websites that pose as legitimate sites and lure unsuspecting victims to provide personal and financial information.
Both IRS and your bank do not initiate contact with taxpayers/customers by email or any social media tools to request personal or financial information.

작성일2012-02-08 12:44

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