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세금 | Traditional IRA 는 얼마까지 세금 공제가 가능한가요?

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2011님이 2012-03-29 06:08:31.0에 쓰신글
>2011년 Traditional IRA 는 얼마까지 세금 공제가 가능한가요? 

"“2011년 Traditional IRA 는 얼마까지 세금 공제가 가능한가요?”---->It depends on many variables,i.e., your marital status, MAGI, or having a workplace retirement  plan(i.e., 401K, or 403b or etc) or age etc. In general,your allowable contribution to an IRA is the lesser of 100% of eligible compensation, or as $5,000.(Individuals who are 50 or older (by the end of the calendar year for which the contribution is made) will be allowed to make catch-up contributions to IRAs up to $1,000 in 2012.So, you can take the maximum deduction of $5K($6K if you are single and 50 or older ).This means that you can reduce your tax liability(by reducing your AGI/Taxable income by $5K) by $750 if your marginal tax rate is 15%;$5K*15%=$750.
If you are single individual eligible to participate in a workplace retirement plan, the deductibility of your IRA contribution begins to phase out at $56,000 MAGI, NOT AGI, in 2011. Deductibility disappears entirely for covered-at-work singles at $66,000, meaning you can’t deduct any dollar. If you are covered by a retirement plan at work, you might be eligible to make a tax-deductible IRA contribution, depending on your MAGI(not earned income. That means that interest, dividends, capital gains, etc. are included in the total). For joint-filers,I mean , as long as you file your return with your spouse as MFJ, then, the phase-out starts at $90,000 of MAGI. Should you make $110,000 or more, your IRA contribution deduction disappears completely, I mean , no deduction  at tall.

작성일2012-03-29 09:54

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