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세금 | 혼자서 스몰비지니스 하고 있는데요 질문이 있어요Tax Deductable

페이지 정보



BUz님이 2012-04-16 14:15:36.0에 쓰신글
>일하고 관계있는 모든 지출은 Tax Deductable로 쓸수 있나요?
>예를 들면,
>Gas, Air plane fee, Car repair, Business insurance, electric equipment(computer,cash register,etc), Credit bill, Hotel(For product expenses),
>이 들중가운데 해당이 되지 않는것 있나해서요.
>올해 처음으로 스몰비지니스 시작해서 잘 몰라서
>질문했습니다. 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다

“일하고 관계있는 모든 지출은 Tax Deductable로 쓸수 있나요?  예를 들면, Gas, Air plane fee, Car repair, Business insurance, electric equipment(computer,cash register,etc), Credit bill, Hotel(For product expenses), rent)”----> I assume that you are a self employer, NOT an regular employee, EE, then, your business expenses are the cost of carrying on a trade or business. Any expense which is ordinary and necessary for your trade or business is deductible. These expenses are usually deductible if the business is operated to make a profit. However, generally, you cannot deduct personal, living, or family expenses. However, if you have an expense for something that is used partly for business and partly for personal purposes, divide the total cost between the business and personal parts. You can deduct the business part. On your Sch C of 1040, you can deduct your business use car expenses, business related car repair costs, business insurance , you need to capitalize(depreciate , I mean) your business equipment,i..e, computer cash register by using MACRS deprecation  method()or you can apply Sec 179 expensing method as long as you qualify for it) NOT supplies, business loan interest expenses, Bank charges, or your business advertising costs ,utilities.  ALSO, according to the IRS, rent for a property that you do not own, yet use as the primary source of business, is a deductible business expense. However, if the property will be titled to you or give equity to the business owner, it cannot be deducted, You can generally deduct your biz trip expenses. This includes transportation costs, hotel and lodging costs, meal expenses (subject to the requirement that you can only generally deduct 50% of your meal expenses), tips, laundry, cab fare and certain entertainment expenses.

작성일2012-04-17 01:20

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