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세금 | IRS가 항상 정확한가요?

페이지 정보



쟌님이 2012-05-11 12:35:10.0에 쓰신글
>얼마전에 파일 했는데 3천불이 리펀드받는다고 나왔는데
>나중에 8천불을 내라고 편지가 온거에요 정말 환장하는데
>IRS가 하는 일이 항상 100프로 맞나요?
>기가막혀서 돈없다고 하니깐 은행계좌는 어떻게 알아냈는지
>1전한푼도 안남기고 다 뺏았았간거있죠.
>이나라가 정말 자유의 나라가 맞습니까.

나중에 8천불을 내라고 편지가 온거에요 정말 환장하는데 IRS가 하는 일이 항상 100프로 맞나요? “--->I do not think so.You have the power as an individual taxpayer to appeal almost any decision made by the IRS. In fact, you can appeal audit findings, penalties and interest, rejected offers-in-compromise, liens, seizures, garnishments and other collection actions.However, according to the IRS, appeals is not for you if:1) Your only concern is that you cannot afford to pay the amount you owe. 2) The correspondence you received from the IRS was a bill and there was no mention of Appeals.So in these two instances, an appeal would be a premature action to take. If you are concerned you cannot afford to pay the tax you owe, there are channels to go through before you would begin the appeal process.
“기가막혀서 돈없다고 하니깐 은행계좌는 어떻게 알아냈는지 1전한푼도 안남기고 다 뺏았았간거있죠. “----->Unfortunately, the IRS can do this and they will continue to do it until they have received all of the back taxes that you owe, and you can't stop them unless you can convince them to set up a payment plan, and then you follow the payment plan exactly.There are ways out though and it can be released. You must prove to the IRS that by them placing this levy on your account it is creating financial hardship for you and you don't have enough money to live. There are federal rules and regulations for this as well as rules by state. The federal rule is this: Federal Wage Garnishment is 25% of disposable income (after-tax dollars) according to the Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title 3 (CCPA). States may vary but the CCPA states that if State Garnishment law differs from the CCPA then the lesser of the two must be observed. Once an IRS garnishment hits your bank account, you have 21 days to get it released. You did not mention when the garnishment started, so I am assuming recently. If you can prove that the IRS garnishment is going to cause you financial hardship, you can act to get the garnishment released. I recommend you contact either the IRS or get some professional help immediately to see what can be done to help you.
Please visit the  IRS Website here: http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=202126,00.html

작성일2012-05-11 14:50

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