세금 | 유아독존님 도와주세요.-답글(영작)
페이지 정보
California State
Board of Equalization
Re : Successor's Liability extended on
______________________--> Business name
I'm writing this letter to inform the facts that regards to successor's liability
which was extended to me as successor of _______________ ->Bus. name
located at ______________________________________ --> Bus. Address
Predecessor apparently has unpaid sales tax to California State BOE and
that was extended as my liability as successor.
I received the "notice of successor's liability" from the Board on ______->date
However I've purchased this establishment on _________->date
I have all records and documents of business transaction and willing to
cooperate fully for your audit if necessary.
I have contacted the predecessor regards to "sales tax liability" but he refused
to pay with unreasonable excuses and I could not further pursue due to legal parameter.
Predecessor has no partial or any interest attached to this business establishment nor anyway or forms of relationship with me.
Therefore, I'm formally requesting the BOE to release the obligation of
successor's liability and furthermore ,the BOE to grant the "certificate of
relief" .
All the statements above are true and from best of my knowledge. I also
understand that penalty of perjury can be imposed upon me ,if any
informations are misleading or form of fabrications.
________________________ -> Signature
____________-> Date
작성일2008-02-11 21:52
유아독존님..정말 정말 감사드립니다..ㅠ.ㅠ
너무 황당한 일을 당해 사람에 대한 신뢰가 떨어졌었는데..
이렇게 전혀 모르는 사람을 도와주시는 님을 보며..다시금 살아갈 희망 같은게 생기네요. 다시 한번..너무 감사드립니다.
너무 황당한 일을 당해 사람에 대한 신뢰가 떨어졌었는데..
이렇게 전혀 모르는 사람을 도와주시는 님을 보며..다시금 살아갈 희망 같은게 생기네요. 다시 한번..너무 감사드립니다.
내가 유일하게 존경하는분...유아독존님 !
혹시 비즈니스 구입하셨을때 작성 한 계약서가 있으실테고 그 계약서에 liability인 인수하지 않고 asset만 인수한다는 항목이 있을거란 생각이 드네요. 보통 식당 인수 asset sales자나요. 그렇다면 그거 제시하면서 빠져나갈수 있지 않나요?