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기타 | property ownership change

페이지 정보



Thanks to all the advice that reply to this "gye si pan". It' been great help & relief.
This is my problem.
My sister owned a small house paid off.
She only has a part time job due to her handicap.
Recently I find out she has a credit card debt miminum $40,000 from4 different co and didn't pay property tax for three years which is her responsibilty.
Told me that she throw all the the paper because she scard.
Already got court order at jan09 but she opened that paper yesterday per my request.

I need to remove her name from title & chnge to my brother for sake of my sister & parents.

Any idea?

*p.s* per 2255 & 2568 I had an idea what to do with her credit card bebt in court.
I'll ask Judge pay $50/mon for each card princpal only for 10 years from her pay check if possible.

Thank you

*same write has been postd at real estate section*

작성일2009-04-09 10:18

hmmm님의 댓글

change name on the Deed is easy.  Just use Quitclaim Deed form to chage from her name to whoever.  Past record is on Microfiche at County Recorder's Office.  Or Create Living Trust with her name having a beneficiary as family.

hmmm님의 댓글

Instead of jumping her name into someone strange, maybe it is better to add family name as joint tenancy, then once it is recorded, you can quitclaim deed to take her name.  Deed got nothing to do with lender, unless she refinance.

loony님의 댓글

Thank you for the information. I'll take 2nd option.

tmy님의 댓글

Changing the owner of record of a property is simple enough, but unless such transfer is for value reasonably comparable to the fair market value of the property, such transfer may be voided as fraudulent conveyance.  If protecting the property from

tmy님의 댓글

creditors is important, the house should probably be sold to her brother rather than simply deeded to him.
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