민사 | 영어 되시는분들 - 답글
페이지 정보
Law office of XXX
Re: Apt Unit / Your Name
This letter is respond to your requested letter dated July 20th, 2009.
in regards to questionable contents on "Pest Control Inspection".
Basically, your warning letter is based on the report described
by Pest Control Inspector and I must dispute his remarks describing
my apartment unit.
On the days of Inspection by Pest Control, he was at my unit approximatelly
3 minutes to spray quickly to eliminate Roaches.
I had personal belongings boxed up to prevent Roaches infestation which
might not appeared to be organized but insanitized or dirty surely is
Basic problem is "Infestation of Roaches" which is from "Garbage Room"
across from my unit and was inforned to Resident Manager neumerous
times and he had admitted the pronlems existed.
I've requested to be relocated away from this "Garbage Room" several
times to Manager and I was informed that I could move into new unit
as soon as vacant unit is available which has been several months.
I also have question in regards to the check that represents 3 month
Rent was returned without any explanation.
Is there any motives behind this or conditions ?
Your detailed explanation would be appreciated in this regards.
I wish to resolve this matter in civilized way to avoid any complecation
or confrontations, however if I'm continued to be unfairly treated without
justification, I have no alternative but report to "Housing Authority"
as well as "County Health Department" to file official complaints.
Your propmt attention and satisfying resolution would be appreciated.
______________________ Yor Signature
_______________________ Dates
작성일2009-07-30 00:59
Send this letter by "Certified Letter w/ return receipt" ..and
Good Luck !!
Good Luck !!
유아독존님 깊이 감사드리고 존경합니다 밤늦은시간에 도움주셔서 대단히 고맙습니다 (꾸벅)
변호사 사무실에 의뢰해야 할는지요? 알려주신 헬스디파트와 하우징 디파트에 연락할 예정입니다 변호사사무실도 미리 알아봐야 할까요?
편지를 보내고 기다려 보십시요..!
아직은 변호사가 필요 없다고 사료됩니다..^^*
아직은 변호사가 필요 없다고 사료됩니다..^^*
바뀌벌레 나오는 아파트 주위 사진들 잘 찍어 놓고, 님 아파트 깨끗한 안 사진 잘 찍어 놓고 또 님이 개인 비용으로 다른 큰 바퀴벌레 회사를 불러서 약은 치지 않고 리포트 같은걸 받아 보면 어떨까요? 그 리포트가 아파트 단지 쓰레기 있는데서 바퀴벌레가 나와서 님
아파트로 바퀴 벌레가 들어온다 라고 써지면 님이 코트 갈때 사진이랑 이 리포트랑 지금 보내시는 편지랑 등이 님에게 유리하게 적용 될것 같은데요.
다시한번 감사합니다 오늘 아침에 바로 독존님이 작성해주신것으로 보냈어요 내일까지 도착해야 한다고 해서요 독존님 말씀되로 기다렸다가 연락오면 또 대응하려고요
연락오면 또 의논드리겠습니다 독존님 나여사님 걱정해주신 많은 분들 다시한번 고개숙여 인사드립니
연락오면 또 의논드리겠습니다 독존님 나여사님 걱정해주신 많은 분들 다시한번 고개숙여 인사드립니
"This letter is respond to your requested..." should be " This letter is to respond to your requested..." or "This letter is a response to your requested...".
^^, maybe next time you ought to be more quick to help people in need.
sorry i don't have korean key board. anyway,유아독존 if u cann't go to haven
nobody can go to haven.
nobody can go to haven.