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할일없는 벗님들 ㅋㅋㅋ

페이지 정보



아후..어제 이 뉴스를 읽으면서 갑자기 갸들 있잖아...갸들...ㅋㅋ
니덜이 잘아는 니달이 생각나서 그러는데 마리아...ㅋㅋㅋ

응급실에서 담당하는 의사들이 환자들 몸안에서 별나별 물건들을 발견한다는 야기인데..
아후...ㅋㅋ 오직 시간 남아 돌거나 할일없는 갸들같은 애덜이 이런 짓을 할까나..ㅋㅋ
삼킨것 보다 거시기 벗홀 떵꼬에다 집어넣서 끄내지를 못해 이렇게 이머전씨룸을 찾았던
사건들인데 마리아..ㅋㅋㅋ

머 쎌폰부터 유리병, 버즈라이트 액숀피규어에다..ㅋㅋ 그래도 젤 황당한건 어느 달니같은
남자는 벗홀안에 바비인형 대가리 네개가 스턱 됬다지 모여...ㅋㅋㅋ 아후..ㅋ
아무리 할일없거나 따분한다지만..아니면 그렇게 호기심이 있다한덜
꼭 이렇게들 해야만하나..ㅋㅋㅋ
흔히 여자들이 그런짓을 한다고 생각하겠지만 오히려 남자들이 그런짓을 미련스럽게하여
완전히 스턱되가지고 이렇게 병원을 찾는다니... 이게 달니스런 행동이지 모여...ㅋㅋㅋ

난 아직도 그 의사왈 엑스레이 들여다보니 바비인형 대가리 네개가 토템폴처럼 자기를
뚜렷히 처다봤다는 말을 상상하면 아직도 이 시간에 절로 낄낄거리게 되는데..ㅋㅋㅋ
아후..오랜만에 욱끼는 뉴스 보면서 다시 말하는데 왜 그케 달니가 생각이 나노...허허...

암튼 완전히...

Up your nose with a rubber hose~

가 아니라

Up your butthole with Barbie dolls~!

이 되는 사건들네그려...ㅋㅋ


Patients Get Bottles, Cell Phones, Buzz Lightyear Stuck Inside

One winter night, Dr. Melissa Barton was the attending physician in the emergency department of the Detroit Medical Center. Making her rounds, she picked up a chart
for a new patient and read the woman's chief complaint: "eye in the vagina."

The patient told Barton she had been expecting a fight with some neighbors outside
her house. Wearing only a sweatshirt and spandex pants, she needed somewhere to
stow her prosthetic eye for safe-keeping.

"Those things are pretty expensive and hard to replace," Barton said.
"So that's where it went, along with her driver's license."

Unfortunately, it got stuck.

Dr. Gary Vilke, a professor of clinical emergency medicine at the University of California San Diego Medical Center, saw a patient who had four Barbie doll heads
stuck in his rectum.

"When you looked at his x-ray, they were looking at you, like a totem pole,
Vilke said.

Ask a handful of emergency medicine specialists about cases like these,
and you'll get a cascade of stories about patients with strange objects ingested
or inserted in unlikely places. Vegetables, light bulbs, tools, even cell phones
and reading glasses have wound up illuminated on x-rays or described on
medical charts in U.S. emergency departments.

For many unlucky patients, an inserted or ingested foreign object is the result of
a one-in-a-million accident or a single bout of bad judgment or curiosity.
Emergency medicine doctors say they see these patients more often than you might think.

Foreign Bodies in the Body
There is little data detailing just how many patients wind up in U.S. emergency departments with objects stuck in their orifices, but doctors say it happens
pretty frequently.

"There's usually a good story every week or two, everything from the unique to the bizarre to the gross," said Vilke, who has practiced emergency medicine for 20 years.

Dr. Rich Dreben, Dr. Murdoc Knight and Dr. Marty Sindhian have heard enough of
these stories to fill an entire book, called "Stuck Up! 100 Objects Inserted and Ingested in Places They Shouldn't Be." The three were classmates in medical school
and became fascinated by the sheer number of patients they saw who came to the
hospital with these problems.

"As a medical student, these cases actually helped me learn a lot about human
anatomy, biology and the doctor-patient relationship," said Dreben, who is now a psychiatrist in California. "These patients really stuck with us. I guess that's
a poor choice of words."

Patients with lodged foreign objects usually fall into three categories:
those who swallow the objects, those who get things stuck accidentally (think
cockroaches crawling into someone's ear while he sleeps), and those who
intentionally insert items into their vaginas or rectums – and can't get them out.

When it comes to swallowed objects, children age 4 and younger account for 75 percent
of the cases that doctors treat. On the flip side, patients with objects stuck
in the rectum are more likely to be between ages 20 and 40, and far more likely
to be male. Some studies have found that men are 28 times more likely to insert
objects up their backsides than women are.

"I think the most common objects I've seen are vegetables," Knight said.
"I've never been able to figure that one out."

여기 링크 클릭하면 나머지 뉴스가 나옴:

작성일2011-12-15 02:52

김기자님의 댓글

할 일 없는 벗님들

할 말 없는 김기자

진짜악동님의 댓글

뚤리 안뇽^^

오랫만에 보는것같네.

둘리사또님의 댓글

<b>아니...이런 명작같은 글에 왜 말씀들이 없나?
은근히 다들 먼가 찔리는게(no pun intended ㅋ) 있나벼...?@@

아~ 당근 울 자비로우신 제비님과
진짜 젠틀맨이신 악동님만 빼구..ㅋㅋ

둘리사또님의 댓글

<b>아니...이런 명작같은 글에 왜 말씀들이 없나?
은근히 다들 먼가 찔리는게(no pun intended ㅋ)

아~ 당근 울 자비로우신 제비님과
진짜 젠틀맨이신 악동님만 빼구..ㅋㅋ

좋은친구님의 댓글

<img src=http://cfile229.uf.daum.net/image/1822E7384EDAEC181438DD>

둘리양 이쁜 주말...**)

깜깜이님의 댓글

응. 이글 보고 왜 말을 안하냐면.
할말이 없다. 할말이 없어. ㅎㅎ
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